Applications Are Now Being Considered for 2021-2022 Funding
Funding Process
The United Way of Gaston County is currently accepting pre-qualification applications for the 2021-2022
funding cycle until April 16.
Organizations that have a clearly stated human services mission in Gaston County which addresses at least one of United Way of Gaston County goals in Education, Financial Stability or Health are eligible
for consideration.
EDUCATION: Our goals are:
(1) Young children succeed in school,
(2) middle and high school students move through grade progression to graduation, and
(3) students of all ages continue to learn and acquire marketable job/career skills.
(1) short term crisis needs for members of the community are met,
(2) increase self-sufficiency/decrease poverty in those who are in financial crisis,
(3) increase financial self-sufficiency and increase proficiency in money management,
(4) increase periods of employment for residents.
HEALTH: Our goals are:
(1) clients and their families are aware of healthy choices available in the community,
(2) families living with illness receive services and products to improve quality of life and,
(3) Increase the use of lower levels of healthcare and decrease emergency room visits/hospital
MENTAL HEALTH: Our goals are:
(1) Residents have access to information on how they or their families can receive mental health
(2) Residents have access to mental health treatment that is open to anyone who is in need.